Rental inspection service for self-managing landlords in Auckland
You enjoy self-managing your rental property but don’t like the stress and headache of completing inspections?
If that sounds like you then Renthub’s rental inspection service for landlords is what you need!
In our years of being involved with rental properties there’s been many a time when we’ve heard a landlords story of having been left with thousands of dollars of damage when a tenant vacates their property.
Even worse is when the bond isn’t enough to cover the damage or going to a tribunal hearing where you run the risk of your claim being knocked back because you didn’t have the supporting evidence you needed to have your claim honoured.
When engaging Renthub to complete your property inspections you will remain in charge of your rental property and partner with Renthub to complete regular, professional rental property inspections.
What type of inspections are offered?

1. Entry Inspection
This is a really detailed, thorough documented inspection of the property with a minimum of 100 plus photos (depending on the size of the property there could be as many 200 plus photos).
At this inspection every room is both documented and photographed including walls, floor, ceiling, windows. Things such as stains on the carpet, a crack in a window pane etc. are all noted.
The report is then emailed to your tenant so that they have the opportunity to go through it, add additional comments (if they have any) and then sign to say they agree with the condition of the property when they move in.
This gives you both a good starting point at the beginning of the tenancy.
2. Exit inspection
This inspection is completed at the end of the tenancy.
We complete this inspection when all the tenants belongings are out of the property (this is so we can then clearly see the condition of each room).
At this inspection we refer to the entry inspection report and compare the condition of the property when they moved in to the condition it is now.
3. Routine Inspections
Routine inspections are usually conducted every quarter (check the fine print in your insurance policy to see how often they are required).
These inspections gives us the opportunity to pick up and document any tenant damage early on before they become a headache.
This means that you can then address the issue with your tenant so that you don’t end up paying for costs that aren’t your responsibility.
We also note any repairs or maintenance that is needed now or in the near future so that you can budget for them.

Why would you get a professional property manager to complete your property inspections?
- You would like the eyes of a professional property manager to oversee your inspections
- You struggle to complete the required number of inspections each to year to ensure your insurance stays valid
- You would like thorough inspection reports with supporting photos that will support any claims should you need them if you end up in a dispute with your tenant.
Find out more about the Inspection Service:
This is what you will receive when engaging Renthub to complete your property inspections:
Thorough and detailed inspection reports of your property
Up to date technology using the latest software
Fixed price fee per inspection
Peace of mind: regular inspections when you need them
Reports emailed to you within 3 working days
What it will cost to have my property inspected?
(prices exclude GST)
1-2 bedrooms
3+ bedrooms
Entry Inspection
Exit Inspection
Routine Inspections
If you want your inspections completed, or would like to learn more, give us a call on 09 630 2655 or contact us here.