Where have all the tenants gone - property manager Auckland

Where have all the tenants gone?

The rental market has shifted dramatically over the past few months, with an abundance of properties available and fewer tenants in the market. Tony Alexander’s latest survey backs up what we’ve been seeing—securing tenants is now more challenging than it has been in years. In fact, his survey shows that 21% of landlords are now struggling to find quality tenants.

This is a significant shift from just five months ago when 27% of landlords found it easy to fill their properties. One of the reasons for this change is due to Kiwis heading off to Australia and beyond—not just for a couple of years, but with plans to stay long term and not return.

On the flip side, we’re seeing a surge of new immigrants, primarily from India, China, and the Philippines, with the majority of them settling in Auckland.

 With New Zealand’s birth rate declining, immigration will be the main driver of population growth. It’s projected that in a decade, 40% of New Zealanders will call Auckland home.

Given these trends, renting out your property now is a different ballgame compared to just a few years ago. The market is evolving, and the type of tenants looking for rentals is changing. That’s why having the right strategies in place is more important than ever.

As a landlord you deserve more than just having your property occupied – you need reliable tenants who provide long term, steady income with minimal headaches.  That’s where Renthub steps in, bringing a proven approach to help you achieve exactly that.  Here’s what we do:

1. Understand the Local Market

First things first, knowing the local market is key. We are constantly looking at local rental trends and have access to a Trade Me report that gives us up to date data about who’s looking in the area and what properties are renting for.

 This knowledge allows us to set competitive rental prices that attract tenants while highlighting features they’re looking for in specific areas. Whether it’s proximity to schools or access to public transport, we make sure your property stands out.

 2. Use Professional Marketing Techniques

High-quality marketing is non-negotiable. We create eye-catching listings with quality photos, detailed descriptions, and a focus on what makes your property unique. Plus, we advertise across multiple platforms—Trade Me Property, One Roof, realestate.co.nz and when appropriate, social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. This way, we’re reaching the broadest possible audience.

3.  Walk through videos and 360 videos

Using technology like walkthrough videos and 360° virtual tours is a game-changer in property marketing. These tools allow potential tenants to explore properties from the comfort of their own homes, any time of day. It’s like having an open house 24/7, making your property more accessible and appealing to a wider audience. This not only speeds up the leasing process but also attracts quality tenants who may not be living locally.

4. Flexibility is key in attracting tenants

We get it—life’s busy, and potential viewers have packed schedules. That’s why we make it easy by offering viewings at various times that suit different lifestyles. Whether it’s a lunchtime slot or after school pick-up, we tailor the timing to attract the right tenants for your property. 

And for those who can’t be there in person, we offer virtual viewings—perfect for those who are out of town or simply can’t make it in person.

But here’s where we really shine: we’re proactive. Just this week, we rented a property that had been sitting empty for six weeks. We were hosting two viewings a week, but attendance was hit or miss—very little interest and only the odd person coming to viewings. Then, out of the blue, we got a call from someone who had a rare day off and could only view the property that day. We had a quick chat to make sure they were the right fit, and an hour later, we were showing them the place. They loved it, paid the deposit on the spot, and they’re moving in within days.

This is the advantage of having a property manager—it’s our full-time focus, while for you, it’s just one of many balls you’re juggling.

5. Screen Tenants Thoroughly

Screening isn’t just a box-ticking exercise for us. We are really thorough with our reference checking—phoning previous and current landlords, property managers and employers to ensure we’re getting the full picture. We also run credit checks to make sure we’re bringing reliable tenants on board.

6. Maintain Your Property to High Standards

Keeping your property in top-notch condition is key to attracting the kind of tenants you want. A well-presented property doesn’t just look good; it sends a clear message that you’re serious about maintaining your investment. This kind of care draws in tenants who are more likely to treat your place with respect, making the whole rental experience smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved.

 7. Reviews

One of the go to places to know if you are dealing with a reputable company is google reviews.  Both owners and tenants look here and when they read our reviews it gives them confidence that they are dealing with a company that is reputable and cares for those we look after. 

By sticking to these proven steps, Renthub typically secures tenants around a week faster than our competitors, meaning fewer vacancies for you.  After all, when you succeed, we succeed too.

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